Special Tips For You Today: 8 Things You Should Do Every Day Before 10 AM

Have you ever wondered what makes some people healthier and happier than others? It’s not just about luck, inheriting the right genes and eating the right foods. Sometimes it’s about little and simple things that we can all think and do as we are getting ready to start the day.

Here is a list of eight things you can easily add to your daily routine to feel happier and healthier than ever before.

1. Feel gratitude and be mindful

The best way to start your morning is by thanking for everything in your life you feel grateful for and that makes you who you are today. Practice mindfulness and try to focus on the present moment. Research shows that by practising mindfulness, you change the physical structure of your brain so that it becomes easier for you to feel resilience and peace.

 2. Set your positive intentions for the day

Imagine the things you would like to see happen that day. If you would like your day to go well, visualize that and create the right mental attitude for that to become reality. To some extent, we do create our worlds with our minds, so plant upbeat images in your psyche and nurture them. Maintaining a positive attitude is also one of the 70 habits featured in my e-book 70 Powerful Habits For A Great Health which will guide you how to take positive steps to improve your wellness and overall health.

3. Take a few long deep breaths

Our breathing pattern says a lot about how we feel. Shallow and quick breaths are an indicator of a stressed state. So, take a few long and deep breaths, remind yourself to breathe slowly and drop your breath to the stomach area, so you can fully extend the lungs. This can be combined with your morning mindfulness practice and helps you start the day in a relaxed and confident way.

4. Forgive yourself for past mistakes

We all too often dwell on yesterday’s mistakes and regrets. By doing this, we often lose the present moment. Forgiveness is a great gift. In order to be free and healthy, we need to forgive others. But, in the first place, we need to forgive ourselves.

5. Say your affirmations

Say your affirmations silently or out laud; they will help you start the day on a positive note.
I feel healthy and vibrant;
I feel great and confident about my day,
are examples of statements that will make you feel that way.

6. Drink a glass of water

Rehydrate your body first thing in the morning and get the digestive system going. You can add a dash of lemon as it has 8 amazing health benefits or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to achieve the extra health benefits and to detox your body.

7. Take time to eat a healthy breakfast

You really shouldn’t miss out on your breakfast. It doesn’t take long to prepare a delicious fruit smoothie, boil some eggs or make a bowl of porridge.

You can also make healthy and delicious smoothies or use these breakfast recipes. This will kick start your body and prevent unhealthy cravings later on in the day.

8. Move your body

A bit of exercise can do wonders for your mental and physical well-being. Not much is needed and a few minutes of stretching can already make a big difference. If you can’t spare the time, consider cycling or walking to work (or walk one stop on the way to or from work).  If you have few minutes in the morning you can start your day with these exercises.

How to Incorporate Healthy Habits Into Your Routine

I recommend you to gradually incorporate these habits into you daily routine. For example: you can add the first habit and once you feel comfortable with this habit add another one. You don’t need to add the habits in the order that they are written – start with the easiest habit for you and gradually add other habits. Don’t do the mistake of adding all the new habits at the first day as you may feel overwhelmed.

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