MARK: Uses for Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree (melaluca alternifolia) is native to Australia and using steam distillation, essential oil is extracted from its leaves and used as a natural health remedy. It is one of the most versatile and effective essential oils and it’s packed with a wide range of natural health benefits that puts it in a class of its own.

1. Carpet cleaning – You can put a few drops of the above essential oils on the vacuum cleaner bag or filter for extra cleaning power and for additional great scent.

2. Chapped Lips: Add one drop of oil to lip balm or coconut oil. Use on your lips whenever they feel really dry, sore and cracked. Do not swallow as tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth!

3. Chicken Pox: Apply a drop of oil onto blisters. Allow to dry, then gently dust with corn starch. Repeat every four hours or until blisters heal completely.

4. Chigger Bites: Apply a drop of oil onto bites. It may sting, but think of it as a good hurt!

5. Cold Sores: Put a drop or two of oil onto a cotton swab and apply directly onto the cold sore. Re-apply two to three times a day.

6. Coughs: Follow instructions for bronchitis. To create a vapor, add 10 drops to a steamer and breathe in for five to ten minutes.

7. Dandruff: Add 10 drops of oil for every eight ounces of your existing shampoo in the bottle. Then shake the shampoo bottle to distribute the tea tree oil thoroughly. Rub the tea tree oil shampoo into your scalp and let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse with water, repeating once per day.

8. Dermatitis: Add 10 drops oil to one tbsp. of grapeseed or other carrier oil and massage into affected areas. Repeat this process two to three times a day.

9. Dry Skin: Add five drops oil to one tbsp of sweet almond oil. Gently massage into skin.

10. Earache and Infection: Add two to three drops of oil to two tablespoons of warm olive oil. Use a dropper to drip a small amount inside of the aching ear, while tilting head to one side. Use cotton swab to absorb any excess oil. Repeat process two to three times a day. Also find here another effective healing oil to treat ear infections.

11. Eczema: Add 10 drops oil to one tbsp grapeseed oil or coconut oil and massage gently onto affected areas. Repeat this process two to three times a day. Find here more natural treatments for eczema.

12. Emphysema: Use as instructed for bronchitis. To create a vapor, add 10 drops to steamer and breathe in for five to ten minutes.

13. Flea Bites: Apply one drop of oil directly onto bites. This will sting! – But don’t be put off.

14. Flea collar for dogs – make a flea collar by putting a few drops of diluted tea tree on the dog’s collar on a weekly basis. There are several caution notes you must be aware of: Never use essential oils on cats.
If you decide to put it on your dog’s collar, always use lower concentration oil (1% or less) and always dilute it with a carrier oil. Use very small amount on the collar, and don’t use it directly on the skin. Find here more ways to get rid of fleas from your home, garden and pets.

15. Gout: Add 10 drops of oil to two tbsp of carrier oil. Then massage into affected area two to three times daily. Find here more natural gout treatments.

16. Gum Disease: Make your own mouthwash with purified water, one drop of peppermint oil and one drop of tea tree oil. Then swish around your mouth, for 30 seconds, two to three times a day. Do not swallow as tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth! Find here more ways to treat gum infection naturally.

17. Head Lice: Add 20 drops of oil to two tbsp. shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse off shampoo. Repeat three to four times a day, until eggs have disappeared.

18. Hives: Add 10 drops of oil to four tbsp. of witch hazel. Apply with cotton ball. Alternatively, combine with coconut oil (which has natural healing properties and soothes the skin) and gently apply to the infected areas.

19. Homemade Mouthwash: Make your own mouthwash by mixing purified water with a few drops of tea tree oil. Do not swallow as tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth!

20. Household Cleaning: Tea tree oil can be added to your own homemade cleaners to get rid of germs and to sanitize surfaces.  You can make a tea tree cleaner by mixing two teaspoons of tea tree oil with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Shake vigorously to mix it up and use for household cleaning.  This solution works especially well in bathrooms and toilets. Find here another recipe for natural household cleaner using essential oils.

21. Immune System: To give your immune system a boost, spray tea tree oil throughout your home regularly, and massage into the soles of the feet to enhance your immune response. Find here another 10 quick life hacks to improve your immunity.

22. Infected Wounds: Add oil to steaming water and place the infected area over the steam. Alternatively, combine one drop of tea tree with one cup of water and pour over the infected area one to two times daily, until healing occurs, or spray from a bottle of water with a few drops of oil.

23. Inflammation: Massage over the inflamed areas, towards the direction of the heart, or diffuse the tea tree oil and breathe it in.

24. Ingrown Hairs: Put one to two drops of oil onto the ingrown hairs. Repeat every two hours or until infection goes away.

25. Insect Repellent: Add 15 drops to a quarter cup of water and use over the body as an insect repellent.

26. Jock Itch: Apply 10-15 drops of oil to two tbsp. of carrier oil. Apply twice a day and gently rub corn starch over the affected area to help with chapping.

27. Laryngitis: Add 5-10 drops of oil and pinch of sea salt to one cup of warm water, gargle two to three times daily – But do not swallow as tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth!

28. Laundry Helper: Add one to two teaspoons of tea tree oil to your laundry to help prevent mold.

29. Mildew and Mold Remover: Combine two teaspoons of tea tree oil with two cups of water to create an all-purpose cleaner to treat mold and mildew. Shake bottle well before use. Spray on the affected surface and let it dry. Don’t rinse.

30. Mosquito Bites: Apply one drop of oil onto mosquito bites. Also read my article about 10 ways to repel mosquitoes.

31. Muscle Aches and Pains: Put 10-15 drops of oil into a warm bath along with half a cup of Epsom salts, and allow to dissolve. After you have bathed, combine 10 drops of oil with two tbsp. of carrier oil and massage.

32. Mumps: Massage over the body feet, and diffuse the oil throughout your home.

33. Nail Fungus: Paint the oil on the affected nails twice a day for at least two months. The nail has to grow out for the fungus to be eradicated, so you may not see results for a several months. Find here more natural treatments for toenail fungus.

34. Pest Control: Household bugs, such as ants do not like tea tree oil, so putting several drops at the doorway can act as a deterrent. Combine water and oil to create a solution which can be used to clean cupboards and keep pests away. Also find here more ways to repel ants and spiders.

35. Psoriasis: Combine 10 drops oil to one tbsp carrier oil and massage onto affected areas. Repeat two to three times a day. Find here more natural ways to relieve psoriasis.

36. Rashes:  Combine tea tree oil with coconut oil and massage gently over the rash.

37. Ringworm: Apply one or two drops of oil undiluted. Repeat twice a day. Alternatively, combine one drop of tea tree oil with one drop of lavender oil for extra benefits.

38. Rubella:  Mix tea tree oil with carrier oil and massage into the affected areas. Control the spread of infection by diffusing tea tree oil, lemon oil and lavender oil.

39. Scabies: Apply one to two drops of oil onto the affected area at morning and at night.

40. Sciatica: Combine 10 drops oil to one tbsp. carrier oil and massage onto the areas. Do this two to three times a day. Find here more natural treatments for sciatic pain.

41. Seborrhea: For skin: Mix 10 drops oil with one tbsp. of carrier oil and massage onto the area. Repeat two to three times a day. For the scalp: Mix 10 drops of oil with two tbsp. shampoo. Massage into scalp and hair, leave on your head for 10 minutes and rinse. Repeat three to four times a day. Bath: Put 10-15 drops of oil into the bath.

42. Shingles: Put 10-15 drops of oil in a bath along with a half cup of Epsom salts, and dissolve. Alternatively mix 10 drops of oil to two tablespoons of grapeseed oil or coconut oil and massage.

43. Sinusitis: Use it as a steam inhalation. To create a vaporizer, add 10 drops to a steamer and use for five to ten minutes. You can also add two drops to a neti pot. Find here more home remedies for sinus infection.

44. Sore Throat: Mix two drops of oil with one cup of warm water and a pinch of sea salt, gargle two to three times a day – But do not swallow as tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth!

45. Staph Infection: Rub into the soles of the feet to boost immune response and combat infection.

46. Stye: Add five drops oil to a pot of steaming water. Put a towel over your head and allow the steam the face for five minutes. Afterwards, apply warm compresses onto stye. Find here more home remedies for sties.

47. Sunburn: Mix one tablespoon of coconut oil with one drop of tea tree and one drop of lavender oil and then apply carefully to sunburn.

48. Tattoos: Apply after getting a tattoo to reduce chances of getting an infection. Dilute with coconut oil or other carrier oil. You can also spray the oil on with purified water.

49. Thrush: Mix sea salt, warm water and one drop of tea tree oil, and gargle – Do not swallow as tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth!

50. Ticks: If you were bitten by a tick, place a few drops of tea tree oil on cotton ball and hold it over the tick for at least 1 minute. Then remove the tick with tweezers and apply another drop of the oil on the bite to prevent infection.

51. Toothbrush Cleaner: Put a few drops of oil onto toothbrush one to two times weekly to kill bacteria.

52. Tonsillitis:  Add a few drops of tea tree oil into steaming water, put a towel over your head and bend over the bowl of water to inhale. Then gargle the solution (do not swallow as tea tree oil is toxic when taken by mouth!) and massage into neck and soles of feet.

53. Vaginal Infection: Add a few drops to your bath. You can also coat a tampon with diluted tea tree oil – start from no more than one or two drops in one tablespoon of carrier oil. Coat the tampon and insert. If there is any irritation stop using the oil and wash the area with clean, warm water. Use the coated tampon for at least a day after all symptoms are gone. Find here more natural treatments for vaginal yeast infection.

54. Viral Infections: Diffuse tea tree oil throughout your home. Alternatively inhale from hot, steaming water.

55. Warts: Apply undiluted onto wart. Repeat morning and night, until wart begins to go away. Dilute with base oil for sensitive skin. You can also try this treatment for warts.

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