My mom was my guide, my best friend, my confidant, and my biggest fan. I miss her every day, and I think of her constantly. I am very grateful for everything that she always did for me and for all of the support she gave me. I am also thankful for all of the knowledge she instilled in me. She made it a point to take great care of herself and strived to look good at all times. Among all of the amazing things I learned from my beloved mother, these are five of her beauty tips that I took to heart.
1. Always Cleanse
It does not matter how tired you are or how late it is, always remove all makeup before going to bed. My mother reminded me of this frequently! Being in the public eye from such a young age made me extremely aware of my appearance, and I wanted to do everything to keep my face looking fresh and acne free. The best way to do that was, and still is, to remove all impurities from my face at the end of each day. I use a calming face wash, but if I am too tired after a party or a long day at work, I clean my face with wipes formulated for sensitive skin.
2. Moisturize Religiously
Water is life! My mom loved saying that. She would make me carry a large bottle of water wherever I went. She made sure to talk about how important water was if I wanted to have beautiful skin and bright eyes, and if I wanted to stay hydrated, which in turned helped me stay focused and healthy. To this day, I am an avid water drinker. I drink large quantities of it throughout the day. It is my beverage of choice, after my morning coffee, of course.
5. Concentrate on Being Happy
My mother’s most important beauty secret: smile from within. She was always smiling, inside and out. I recall having long conversations with her and listening to her advice. Happiness is contagious — fill your heart and your soul with it. Cultivate the positive side of life. Surround yourself with joyful people who will give you excellent energy and will not bring you down. When you are happy inside, it will show on the outside. Your face will be more relaxed and your skin will glow. Your eyes will be open and you will look younger. Thank you for your wise advice, Mom! There is no doubt in my mind that when I am having a great day, my skin also has a great day.
I am looking forward to passing on all the fun and useful beauty tips and everything else I learned from my mom to my daughter, Sabrina. I have the same strong bond with her that I had with my mother. Most of all, it is very important to me to teach my daughter to have fun, enjoy life, and find beauty within herself first. If we are beautiful inside, it will show on the outside!
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