How Living A Healthy Lifestyle Can Save You Money

Learn how living a healthier way of life can lead to extra money in your pocket.

Swap Certain Grocery Store Foods and Save.  Instead of buying all your fruit from the produce section, grab some of your items in the freezer section.  Get your berries such as blueberries, strawberries and raspberries frozen for your morning smoothies.  Plus, you end up throwing most of your fruit away because they don’t last.
Bike to Work.  If you are fortunate enough to live close your workplace, try riding a bicycle a few times a week or every day of the week.  This will not only save on gas, but helps you burn extra calories throughout the day.
Choose a Healthier Version of “Girl’s Night.”  Instead of going to happy hour with the girls and ordering appetizers, get the crew together for an outdoor run or bike ride or even take a fitness class together.  All those extra calories from your wine or cocktail of choice can add up and also be detrimental to your budget.
Switch Your Oatmeal from Instant to Dry.  Instant Oatmeal may be easier to grab and go, but it’s loaded with sugar and costs about triple the price of dry oats.  Grab a large canister of the dry oats and add water to your bowl, pop in microwave and you now have a cheaper and much healthier way to start the day.
Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time.  Get a food schedule together of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks to avoid over buying and food wasting.  This also in turn, will allow you to know exactly what you will be putting in your body that week to stay on the healthy lifestyle track.
Plan Plan Plan.  Look at you and your significant other’s schedule to determine your shopping schedule and expenditures.  If you know you or your hubby will be working late on certain evenings or has extra curricular activities, shop according to what your schedule will be.  Opt for a quicker meal prep that’s still healthy on these days to avoid the, “I’ll just grab something quick on my way home,” which usually means burgers and fries that can rack up calories and cash.

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