Why Is It Important to Detox Your Armpits & How to Do It

Armpits are both the body’s entry and exit points. After years of using conventional deodorants or antiperspirants, a lot has been absorbed via the skin. Once you stop using the chemicals, there are toxins that have to leave the body first and allow you to make a fresh start.

This post might be particularly useful to those trying to switch to a natural deodorant and struggling in the process. When making the transition, many experience the occurrence of uncomfortable rash or excessive sweating and odor, which can make them deliberate. But, what might be missing is just a successful armpit detox.

Antiperspirants & Deodorants

Modern humans are afraid and ashamed of body odors and look for ways to mask them.

We need to sweat to expel toxins and cool down; sweating might even play a role in disease prevention. Yet, many try to fight it by applying unnatural chemicals and stopping the natural process.

Deodorants prevent you from smelling bad, and antiperspirants actually reduce sweating. The use of antiperspirants is particularly questionable as blocking the pores to prevent the release of sweat is definitely not a good idea.

Chemicals in Conventional Deodorants and Antiperspirants

Standard deodorants often contain potentially harmful compounds that could damage your health. The research on this is ongoing, but a mere look at the list rings alarm bells. I’ve already written about it in my post about the neurotoxin that may be contained in your deodorant.

You can check this for yourself when buying a deodorant. Here are just a few example of what lurks in store-bought deodorants and antiperspirants:
  • Aluminum – some link it to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Parabens – disrupt hormones; traces have been found in breast cancer tissue.
  • Formaldehyde – acts as a carcinogenic substance.
  • Phthalates – another hormone disruptor; linked to infertility.
  • Antibacterial substances – have an adverse effect on immune system function and affect hormonal balance.
  • Propylene glycol – an antifreeze agent.

Putting all these potentially toxic substances where they can be easily absorbed into the blood stream does not seem like such a great idea. On top of that, there are lymph nodes in your armpits and around the neck, which play an important role in fighting off disease (you probably noticed how they become enlarged when you feel under the weather). So, jamming them and causing hormonal imbalance can seriously affect your immune responses.

Why You Need an Armpit Detox

All of the above makes many re-consider their nicely smelling cosmetic products. However, after years of constant use, there is a bit of a backlog. That is where an armpit detox might come in handy:
  • It will help pull out some of the chemicals stuck in the skin and tissue under the armpit.
  • It will prevent uncomfortable reactions that often accompany the switch to a more natural deodorant.

Armpit detox

If you simply ditch the chemical stuff and embrace a home-made or natural deodorant, you are likely to experience some of the following:
  • Rashes with itching and red bumps
  • Excessive sweat
  • Sweat that has a very potent odor.

Although uncomfortable, these incidents are the body’s adjustment reactions. Similar to a body detox, things get worse, before they start improving and showing positive effects. Still, it puts many people off and they don’t persevere.

So, if you perform an armpit detox first, you’ll shorten the transition period and minimize the discomfort, as well as pull out some of the nasty toxins.

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