READ IT !!! The modern diet makes children’s immune systems weaker !!!

Scientists warn that our modern processed food leads to a dysfunction of the immune system and increases the risk of inflammation, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Besides its effect on the immune system and on health in general processed foods affects the DNA and intestinal bacteria, resulting in weakened immune systems in children. A team of scientists from Yale University and German universities Eralnger in Nuremberg discovered that the so-called junk food is the one to blame for the sharp increase in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, asthma and eczema. The new warning came in an article published in the journal Nutrition Journal. The article discusses the impact of modern Western diet on the immune system of man.

The article was written by Dr. Ian Myles with the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr. Myles analyzes the impact of excessive enjoyment in sugar, salt and fat as well as the effects of artificial sweeteners, gluten and genetically modified foods on our health. “Excessive enjoy the modern diet leads to inflammation, cancer and increase the risk of allergies and autoimmune diseases” warns Dr. Myles. “In short, there are enough good quality evidence from which we concluded that the modern diet is harmful to our immune system and probably the immune systems of our offspring” Dr. Myles.

Each person has a unique and diverse collection of bacteria that is the result of lifestyle and environmental influences (nutrition, use of medicines etc).  Western diet and lifestyle that consists of fast and processed foods leads to a lower diversity of bacteria in the intestines scientists say. “Our biggest concern is that our bad eating habits are changing and the diversity of bacteria and our DNA, and thus transmit changes in our immune system, and on our children“, warns Dr. Myles. The modern Western diet is characterized by a high intake of saturated fatty acids, and excessive intake of salt, carbohydrates and refined sugars. “Most people are aware that this type of diet can damage the heart, kidneys and lead to obesity, but it is increasingly clear that the modern diet damages the immune system” says Dr. Myles.

According to Dr. Myles increasing rates of obesity may also have implications on the immune system as fat cells (so-called. Adipocytes) release of inflammatory substances – including interleukin (IL) 1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Obese people also have less white blood cells than usual to fight infection. There is increasing evidence that simple sugars and refined reduce the number of white blood cells and increase inflammation in the body says Dr. Myles.

Myles warns that saturated fat can also adversely affect the immune system and disrupt its functioning. “However, the most worrying fact is that fats have the ability to directly stimulate inflammation. Any inflammation in the intestines can lead to leakage of harmful substances directly into the bloodstream and thus causes immune dysfunction, which can only worsen the infection“Dr. Myles.

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