Skimmed vs Full Cream Milk: Which is Healthier? What's Your Answer?

For people who want to lose or maintain their weight, they generally choose skimmed milk. This type of milk is derived from whole milk or full cream milk, but the difference is that most of the fat is removed. This is a normal reaction, since adding fat to your diet when you want to lose weight does not make sense because of the extra calories you can get.

Before you choose skimmed milk over full cream milk though, there are a few things you need to take into consideration:

Absence of Vitamins
Because the fat was removed, some of the vitamins are also eliminated. These include, A, K, E, and D, which are all fat-soluble vitamins – meaning they need fat to allow the body to dissolve them. You can say that skimmed milk does not have these vitamins or have them in lower amounts.

Low Calories
Although people tend to control their calorie intake if they want to lose weight, not getting enough calories can lead you to look for more food. Since fat is reduced or removed in skimmed milk, you will not feel content after you consume the liquid. This is why in a few minutes, you will find yourself wanting to drink or eat again.

Ovulation Problems
There was a study back in 2006 that suggested drinking skimmed milk or those that are low in fat can impair the ability of a woman to ovulate. This is why those who want to conceive or improve their fertility should stick to drinking full cream milk.

Full Cream vs Skimmed Milk
Quite recently, a Danish study discovered that men who drank whole milk ended up with higher LDL (bad) cholesterol than those who chose skimmed milk. However, it is worth noting that the men consumed six eight-ounce glasses of milk every day, which is definitely not recommended for adults. Although LDL cholesterol levels did increase, the men saw a decrease in their triglycerides, which is yet another marker for risk of heart disease. There are also some studies that show how drinking skimmed milk reduces the risk for colorectal cancer, but can increase the onset of prostate cancer in men.

For weight management, skimmed milk is still considered the better option, but note that full cream is better for those who are aiming to build muscles. British scientists though confirmed that drinking two to three glasses of milk every day – whether you choose whole milk or skimmed milk – can decrease your stroke and heart attack risk.

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