Let Me Tell You Something About Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a wide range of symptoms that start during the second half of the menstrual cycle (14 days or more after the first day of your last menstrual period). This is the result of a hormonal turbulence that can cause significant mood swings, depression, anger, bloat, constipation and strong cramps. For many women PMS has become a real problem that affects their daily behavior and physical condition. Scientists still don’t know exactly why some women experience PMS symptoms more severely than others, but they believe that it results from a combination of hormonal changes, genetics, nutrition and mental factors. Here I would like to share with you few natural treatments for PMS that might work well for many women. 

Natural Treatments for PMS:
1. Magnesium and Vitamin B6
According to studies in USA various combinations of B6 and magnesium were helpful in reducing mild PMS related anxiety symptoms, mood changes and premenstrual depression. It is recommended to take 400 mg magnesium twice a day and 50 mg B6 twice a day.

2. Evening Primrose Oil 
This plant contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid. Essential fatty acids are required by the body for growth and development, and must be obtained from the diet. Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of the evening primrose. The oil is usually put into capsules for use. Recommended dosage for evening primrose oil is 2,000 mg twice a day (or GLA, 320 mg twice a day).

3. Calcium 
There is a good scientific evidence for the use of calcium in easing PMS symptoms. Taking 1 to 1.2 grams of calcium daily seems to really reduce depresses mood, water retention and pain. It is recommended to take calcium with vitamin D.

4. Vitamin E
Vitamin E may help to reduce PMS symptoms by reducing the production of hormone-like substances that cause cramps and breast tenderness. Recommended dosage is 400 international units daily.

5. Neptune Krill Oil 
Krill look like shrimp and provide food for sea creatures. Their oil is rich in Omega-3, antioxidants and vitamins. The dose found to be most effective for relieving emotional symptoms of PMS and painful menstruation is 3 grams a day.

6. Vitex herb
Also known as Chasteberry. This herb is widely prescribed in Germany for PMS. Use as directed on the label or as instructed by your doctor. There are other goods herbs that help treat menstrual problems and you can find them in my e-book The Herbal Remedies Guide that will teach you how to treat common ailments using herbs.

7. Black cohosh
Although this herb is mostly taken during menopause, this herb also helps to relieve cramps and pain. Most often this herb is taken as a tincture or herbal tea.

8. Healthy diet
Researches support the idea that coffee, alcohol and sugar may make PMS symptoms worse. It is recommended to consume diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and fish. Avoid refined sugar, dairy, salt, tobacco and caffeine. Also eating smaller meals more frequently helps to reduce bloating.

9. Mild exercise
Focus on stretching and relaxing exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga or pilates that don’t exhaust your body. Mild exercise releases endorphins that help to relieve pain and serotonin which improves mood. It will also improve blood circulation to tensioned areas.

10. Get enough sleep
Sleep deprivation can affect our health in so many ways which were described in my previous article about the 23 dangers of sleep deprivation. So listen to your body and get enough sleep to balance your hormones. If you have a flexible schedule, you can also nap during the day.

11. Acupuncture
There is some evidence that acupuncture can reduce PMS symptoms by increasing relaxation and reducing tension and by stimulating nerves which leads to release of endorphins that improve mood and reduce pain.

12. Massage therapy
According to NCBI website, massage helps to decreases anxiety, depressed mood and pain and it was suggested that massage therapy may be an effective additional therapy for treating premenstrual symptoms. Massage also increases blood circulation and eases muscle and mental tension, and what’s good about it is that you can do it at home massaging your tummy in a clockwise motion and adding some of these essential oils to relieve pain.

I really hope that one or some of these natural remedies for PMS will be helpful for many women who suffer from these symptoms. It is important to note that you should consult your doctor before taking any supplement to make sure it does not interfere with currant medications you take.

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