Recipes for Success in Your Career

Skyrocket your career by promoting yourself, exuding confidence and finding outside inspirations.  When you enter into your career, you want to make sure you master your skill and do your job 100%, but there are some things to consider if you really want to increase your success within a company.
Be Assertive. Learning just the right amount of assertiveness can be tricky, but once you master that, you’re one step ahead of the game.  Try not to be too confrontational or pushy, but also don’t allow yourself to be stepped on.  Get your ideas noticed by your co-workers and higher-ups and earn their respect.

Portray Confidence. Make sure you are confident in yourself and exude that to your co-workers and higher-ups.  Be careful not to come across as a know-it-all because this can be detrimental to your career.  If your workplace thinks you feel you are above them, you will end up alienating yourself.  Do your duties with pride and confidence, try to get over your shyness or nerves around others because this can make you look weak.  Remember, you are there for a reason and you got hired because of your boss’s faith in you to perform.

Stop Apologizing.  For a woman, a natural lead-in to a sentence can be “I’m sorry but” and you need to rid your vocabulary of this phrase when it comes to confronting someone in a situation or conversation.  It can give the impression the other person always has the control in the situation.

Get a Mentor.  This may be an inspirational figure, successful business woman or anyone whom you get confidence from.  Research her path to success and if you are able to reach out to this person, ask her about her trials and tribulations moving up the corporate ladder.  In can only help you feel more confident that people struggle with the same issues you may be having in your workplace and you will and can get through them with a positive outcome.

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